Tuesday, October 13, 2015



OK, I swear it has been forever and a day since I last did my nails. && don't be judgy, ok? I have my reasons. For one, I seriously have zero to nonexistent down-time. It takes me a good while to do my nails because I like for them to be perfect and then they always chip super fast (like within forty-eight hours.) Apparently, it has to do with my nail enamel. I don't know.

Anyway, I finally took a lazy day on Sunday and painted them. Mainly,  I did this because I was watching Youtube videos and I feel like every girl that does Youtube videos has nails that are just on-point all the time. You know what I'm talking about. Also, I (somewhat) recently got this very cute color in an Ipsy bag, and I LOVED the way it looked so I was just dying to try it. I've been a bit obsessed with the color purple lately. Especially dusty, lilac-y purples like this one.

See below for cute images of my freshly-did nails and the adorable little polish box and whatnot:

The color is Elegantly Wasted by Trust Fund Beauty and you can purchase that same one here. && Like I mentioned earlier, I received this in an Ipsy Glam Bag.


&& I'd love to know what your favorite Ipsy products are!? Fave nail polished of all time? Brands/ Colors?? I would LOVE to know; Comment below!!
As always, thanks for reading!

Muchos besitos,
Simply Lissy, XO

Monday, October 12, 2015

My Writing Career is Growing!! | Writing for FIU's AMA Blog

'Ello lovelies,

Recently I began writing for my university's American Marketing Association's blog: Hear Me Roar. I joined the organization about a month and a half ago and right away they wanted me writing. An old friend manages the blog and she know I love to write so she got me a spot on their blogging team. It's so exciting and I am so happy. I just really wanted to share this with you all.

I've written have three published posts so far:

&& I have another post pending editing and approval before it goes live this upcoming week.

You can find all my published posts linked here on my author profile. (HOW COOL IS IT THAT I HAVE AN AUTHOR'S PROFILE?!?!)

Although I feel like writing for living is not something I see myself doing, it is something I enjoy quite fondly. I have decided that as my posts go publishing, I will be posting about them in here as well as linking them so you can read it while getting the whole effect with all the pretty pictures, fonts, and whatnot. Plus, I get brownie points if my posts have the most views by our next writers meeting. Which, not to toot my own horn, actually is happening. It just makes me feel all fuzzy inside to know that people are reading my stuff and enjoying it.

If you are curious, and read any of them, PLEASEEEEEEEEE leave a comment letting me know you liked it. If you didn't, tell me why, Just PLEASE LET ME KNOW what you guys thought. Again, I will be linking those as they go publishing throughout the month. Thank you guys so much for taking the time to read this && supporting my writing in this blog, even if I totally suck at posting on here. I hope to try to get way better at it. For now, forgive me.

Simply Lissy, XO

Sunday, October 11, 2015

CONTROVERSIAL TOPIC: Lazy Days: Friend or Foe??

Hey there Internet Peeps! 

I was, just now, struck with a moment of pure enlightenment. We all LOVE lazy days, but does that make them the greatest thing on this planet or an even greater reason to worry? Today, I decided I would have a lazy day. Rather, it was decided for me. I beat laziness on daily basis by making my bed first thing in the morning and jumping in the shower- or at the very least a cute outfit to which combat the day in.

Today, however, I was just not having it. I woke up super late (10:30ish) and just rolled around in the sheets for a good hour before deciding I was hungry enough to move. I brushed my teeth and grabbed some cereal... before returning back to my un- made bed in my slept- in pajamas. I proceeded to open up Youtube and watch some videos. For about SEVEN HOURS, that is. My entire day I was spent in bed! It sounds like a dream but I had so many things I should have been doing. (Like writing for this amazing blog that I have been slacking on so so so much lately.) Which brings me to my question- Lazy Days: Friend or Foe?

My conclusion is as follows: We should all be allowed a lazy day every once in a while. Maybe half a lazy day would be more functional if you have a lot going on. It's so easy to stay cuddled up in your warm sheets, fuzzy socks, and pillow pet crowded bed. It's easy to forget there is a world outside our bedroom walls, and that my dear friends, is where the danger comes in. Don't take a lazy day the day before a final. It won't be pretty the next day. Consider Sundays, consider lazy half days, consider lazy afternoons (once most of your daily to do list is completed). And always make sure to be in control of our our frenemie the lazy day. Lazy days should not control us!

That's all for tonight folks. I'll see ya' real soon. (Yes, vintage Disney reference. Props to all who caught that.)

Love you all mucho,
Simply Lissy, XO

Monday, September 28, 2015

Oops Order from Cricket Paper Co.


Sorry it's been so long. It's been a bit hectic lately; last week I had two exams and Wednesday I leave for NACA in Tennessee! But without further ado, I would love to share with you all my recent order from Cricket Paper Co. I am so in love with her designs. They are so adorable. When I saw she listed Oops Bags at $5 for anywhere between 10- 12 sheets, I knew I had to get them!

& these are the lovely treasures I got:

Picture One Breakdown:
Top on the Left: December Ombre Checklist
Second to Top, Left: Party Balloons
Second to Last, Left: Red Floral Set
Last on the Left: Confetti Set
Top on the Right: Purple and Green Set
Second to Top, Right: September Ombre Checklists
Second to Last, Right: Targets
Last on the Right: Water Cups

Picture Two Breakdown:
Middle: Toy Story Set
Bottom: Watermelon Set

Picture Three Breakdown:
VERY, VERY COOL that she includes one sheet of unreleased stickers with each oops order. It helps you compare with her usual quality, plus MORE PLANNER STICKERS.

I could not be happier with everything I received. It was A LOT of stickers; all totally usable and super cute and SUPER CHEAP. They come out to under 50 cents a sheet. BARGAIN!! I feel like this is a fun and affordable way to increase your planner sticker stock. Plus, it's also really fun to now know what comes inside! Lots of Etsy shops follow a similar concept of oops sheets or grab bags so be on the look-out. 

Props to Erica over at Cricket Paper Co. Your designs are phenomenal (even the Oops ones). KEEP IT UP!

Hopefully I can take a moment to tomorrow to post up my mid-week (a bit early) so that you can see some of these amazing stickers in action.

love you always,
Simply Lissy, xo

Friday, September 18, 2015

Target Stationary Finds!

I am head over heels for target stationary. Check out my recent finds:

Starting to the far right there are some pads. My favorite is the "thoughts & doodles" one. The "thankful, grateful, blessed" one is being used for Bible study- it's so perfectly fitting. Then I got a pack of sticky notes that say etc. on top. To the right of that, I got THE MOST ADORABLE binder clips ever. I just had to have them. And below that, some Washi finds. 

Here is the Washi close up. The two striped ones were each $0.89! They're the only thing in this haul NOT from the One Spot. The bottom washi was $1 at the One Spot section. 

I also got a cute black tin (not pictured above) to keep my pencils in. 

Some Targets are now getting the Darice sticker books in their One Spot sections. Unfortunately, my Target is not up to speed with the Darice trend. 

Happy hauling, 
Simply Lissy XO

Plan It Pretty Etsy Order!

Got my Oops Grab Bag from Plan it Pretty yesterday and I can just say how excited and pleased I am!! First of all, the stickers are super cute. Secondly, the grab bag comes with five sheets and between samplers and the grab bag, I received eight!

Pictured below, are all the fabulous things I received: 

I've linked all the items, if available to her Etsy shop.

Top left: "Thank you" Autumn Mini Sampler
Second from the top left: Plan It Pretty Fall Sampler
Second to last, left: Pastel Rainbow TVs. These look 100% perfect to me. I can use them all. 
Bottom left: "But First, Coffee" Seasonal stickers. Came missing one, other than that perfect, can use them all. 
Top center: Gold Boxes. (Purchase similar here.) One has a black square on it, and a few have a colorful browser around (doesn't show when you peel it though). Basically, can use all but one. 
Top right: November Acorn big background squares. These look perfect to me. I can use them all. 
Second from the top, right: Same November Acorn theme as above but smaller squares and some dots. Again, these look perfect to me. I can use them all. 
Bottom left: Pink, Black, & Green Paisely Set. Has a black square that covers three stickers partially. I can use the pink square that is affected if I place a sticker over it. The pink bar is barely affected so I can use that one too. Basically, can use all but one. 


Side note: If anyone reading this wants to order an Oops Grab Bag, this bag was only $7.50. All the stickers were matte. She brings these out periodically so BE ON THE LOOKOUT. 
Her ship time was super fast. I put in the order on the 13th and they arrived on the 18th- record time for anything I've ordered on Etsy. 

I'm so pleased with my purchase and I can't wait to use them. Thank you, Plan It Pretty!

Lots of love, 
Simply Lissy, XO

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Ipsy Bag Reveal: September 2015

September 16th, 2015 I received my Ipsy bag for the month. Theme: Face Fashion. 

Below are the contents:

The bag is a shimmery chrome gold color and it's actually longer than the usual ones. 

On top of the bag, I received a cream blush in the shade Ash by Evio Beauty (that's the little black circle). Beside that is a Mini Brow Trio in Shades of Brow by pixi by petra. To the right of that, a Mini Matte Lip Crayon in the shade Nantucket Nude. That's kind of funny considering I spent my Labor Day weekend around Nantucket. This is also my favorite thing in the bag. 

Above the bag are two additional products I received. The one on the left is an Argan Oil by Octavio. The one on the right is a Flashmud Brightening Treatment by Glam Glow. 

Not my favorite Ipsy bag ever and the contents were all sample sizes which never really happens and is a little disappointing. However, still not too bad for only $10 a month. 

If you want to know more about Ipsy or care to join, click here. 

Lots of love, 
Simply Lissy XO